..Lewes Real Estate in Holly Oak keeps getting better!
Delawares Lewes Real Estate in Holly Oak is very brisk. In making a good investment, you can consider browsing through Holly Oak Real Estate listings for homes for sale and check out the market with the help of a realtor. Holly Oak is an unincorporated community in are located in Sussex County Lewes, Delaware, and you can fall in love with one of the many single-family homes that are available for sale. You can find a three bedroom, 2,000 sq ft home with two and a half baths, three-car garage that’s built on a lot the size of half an acre.
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Lewes real estate in Holly Oak has a Low crime rate
If you have a young family then you are in luck. Holly Oak has one high school, four middle schools and five elementary schools within a two-mile radius. Safety, one of the best things that can be said about this community.The absence of widespread crime create a safe community in which to raise a family. Getting around is very easy. You can take advantage of the transport system that incorporates buses and trains. There are many amenities in the area .You can find a restaurant, grocery store, bank, gas station or shopping center near you.
Lewes real estate in Holly Oak Homes average $200,000
Most of the houses that are available for sale in Holly Oak go for around $200,000. Therefore you can find a property that is within your budget, whether big or small.Likewise, If you are taking out a mortgage in order to finance your Real Estate purchase. For example you can be able to qualify for a lower mortgage and reduce your monthly payments. For instance, if you are buying a home worth $209,000, you can put a down payment of $41,980. This is 20% of the property value. The loan amount will then be $167,920. You can pay $1,054 per month for a 30-year fixed rate mortgage of 4.25%. For more information, you can contact a local realtor.